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Register as a Batch

Please follow the instructions below:

  • Please download the excel by clicking the 'Download Excel' button below.
  • Fill the appropriate fields in the downloaded excel . eg. Surname, firstname/othernames, Date of Birth(dob), marital status( a dropdown to select from), etc.
  • Save the filled excel. Click on the "Choose file" below and browse to the excel you filled. Click upload batch.
  • The system will check if all required(mandatory fields) are filled and are correct and show you a preview
  • Correct records have green colors and incorrect have red colors. Preview row numbers correspond to the excel uploaded rows to make it easier for you to fix errors in your entries
  • When all rows are correct, you have a little screen below to input your chapter name, area, etc.
  • Click on Register Batch and 'Holla!', you're done

Attention: Please do not change header names in the excel sheet!

Date of Birth (dob) format - DD/MM/YYYY eg. 31/03/1994

Enquiries?, Kindly contact 0555907610

Click here to download excel template